The Tilbury Way

From the beginning, the clients were often astounded with the accuracy of the questionnaires. This ongoing ‘test’ has been carried out 5000+ times, and at no time has it been necessary to question the accuracy of the information provided.

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The Genesis of the Tilbury Way

The Tilbury Group wanted a questionnaire that identified and measured traits that effective people used in their day-to-day lives.

They also wanted to know what people actually did at a given point in time, which traits worked for them and also which traits prevented them achieving their goals and outcomes.

Management Training that Looks at Traits

Thirty seven traits were identified and each question was scored from the point of view of scoring the answers in descending order of effectiveness. Once each of the 370 questions randomly sorted throughout the questionnaire were scored in this way, a computer science graduate was engaged to develop a program that scored and presented the results in both numerical and graphical configurations.

Identifying Strengths & Limitations

The Tilbury Questionnaire was first used in February 1995 as a starting place for all the groups’ one-on-one consulting and management training. This process begins with a “Strategy Meeting”, where the client is taken through their biography, asked to assess their “Strengths and Limitations” as they see them and also what the people around them might think their “Strengths and Limitations” might be.

The results of the Tilbury Profile are then fed back to them and programs for management training developed from there, always with what the client wants to achieve as the prime focus.